Welcome to the website for Grace Lutheran Church in El Cerrito, California, a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. We look forward to sharing God's Peace in Christ Jesus with you in hope you find solace in His loving grace for you!
"To share and proclaim the saving love of God in Jesus Christ for everyone by serving in word and action."
Click here for more information on how we serve others.
We celebrate weekly services on Sunday mornings at 10 A.M. Online worship podcasts are posted later in the day for those who cannot attend the service in person.
Christmas Eve Service – Tuesday December 24th, at 7 P.M.
Christmas Day Service – Wednesday December 25th, at 10 A.M.
Regarding COVID-19: We are complying with the State of California’s guidelines on gatherings. Masks are optional at this time.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on The Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany. In today’s message “Deep Water Fishing”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on the Gospel of Luke 5: 1-11 where Jesus teaches the crowds by the lake of Gennesaret and calls His first disciples Peter, James, and John.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on The Purification of Mary and the Presentation of Our Lord. In today’s message “Keep Showing Up”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on the Gospel of Luke 2: 22-32 where Mary and Joseph bring the Christ child Jesus to Jerusalem for the Purification of Mary and Jesus’ Presentation at the temple.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the Third Sunday After the Epiphany.
In today’s message “God’s Grace for All”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on the Gospel of Luke 4: 16-30 where Jesus reads from the scroll of Isaiah in the synagogue in Nazareth and explains how God’s grace is for all humankind.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the Second Sunday After the Epiphany. In today’s message “The Best Wine for Last”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on the Gospel of John 2: 1-11 where Jesus’ first recorded miracle takes place at a wedding in Cana.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Baptism of Our Lord. In today’s message “Remember, Your Baptism”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on the Gospel of Luke 3: 15-22 where Jesus is Baptized at the Jordan River.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the Second Sunday After Christmas. In today’s message “In The Father’s House”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on the Gospel of Luke 2: 40-52 where Jesus at the age of 12, stays behind in Jerusalem at the Temple, His Father’s house.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the First Sunday After Christmas. In today’s message “Trust in God’s Promise”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on the Gospel of Luke 2: 22-40 where Mary and Joseph bring Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem for His purification.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate the birth of our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Christmas Day. In our Christmas sermon “The Word Dwelt Among Us”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on the Gospel of John 1: 1-18 where John explains that God sent His Son Jesus to earth “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…”
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate the birth of our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Christmas Eve. In our Christmas Eve Homily, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on the Gospel of Luke 2: 1-7 where Mary gives birth to Jesus, and how God came down to be with us despite our crowded lives.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the Fourth Sunday in Advent. In today’s message “Let Us Sing”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on the Gospel of Luke 1: 39-56 where Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth and declares her joy over God’s blessings to us through Christ.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the Third Sunday in Advent. In today’s message “Resilient Joy”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects Zephaniah 3: 14-20 where the prophet foretells of Christ coming, to reassure the Israelites that God is in their midst, and will restore them with His love.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the Second Sunday in Advent. In today’s message “Break Free From the Past”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on the Gospel of Luke 3: 1-14 where John the Baptist prepares us for Christ’s salvation.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the First Sunday in Advent. '
In today’s message “Throw Down Our Cloaks”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on the Gospel of Luke 19: 28-40 where Jesus rides on a colt into Jerusalem before his ultimate sacrifice on the cross and Resurrection for our salvation.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the Last Sunday of the Church Year.
In today’s message “The Beginning Is Near”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on the Gospel of Mark 13: 24-37 where Jesus explains how what appears as an end of times is the beginning of God’s reign.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost.
In today’s message “Our Fallen Temples ”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on the Gospel of Mark 13: 1-13 where Jesus declares that destruction of our physical world will not destroy God’s Grace through our faith in Him.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on All Saints‘ Day. In today’s message “The Great Ordeal”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on Revelation 7: 9-17 and our belonging in the Communion of Saints.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost. In today’s message “The One Thing…”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on the Gospel of Mark 10: 23-31 where Jesus teaches us to treasure God’s grace above all else.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost. In today’s message “Letting Go”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on the Gospel of Mark 10: 17-22 where Jesus tells a rich man to sell his possessions, give to the poor, and follow Him.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost. In today’s message “Stumbling Blocks”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on the Gospel of Mark 9: 38-50 where Jesus warns us to avoid our stumbling blocks that distract us from living out our faith and obeying God’s commandments.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost.
In today’s message “Faith From The Holy Spirit”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on the Gospel of Mark 9: 14-29 where Jesus heals a boy who is afflicted with seizures and teaches us the importance of faith.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost. In today’s message “Ephphatha, Be Open”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on the Gospel of Mark 7: 24-37 where Jesus heals a man who is deaf and unable to speak.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost.
In today’s message “Be On Guard For Your Heart”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on the Gospel of Mark 7: 14-23 where Jesus teaches that we should temper our actions according to God’s commandments.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost. In today’s message “Worship God with Our Hearts”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on the Gospel of Mark 7: 1-13 where Jesus addresses the dangers of being preoccupied with ceremonial tradition, while forgetting to worship God with our hearts.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost. In today’s message “Life in Christ”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on the Gospel of John 6: 51-69 where Jesus continues his explanation of how His Word is the bread from heaven that sustains us to eternal life.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost. In today’s message “The Bread of Life”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on the Gospel of John 6: 35-51 where Jesus continues to explain what He meant when he said He is “The Bread of Life”.
Join us for our virtual worship service from Grace Lutheran Church El Cerrito, California as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost. In today’s message “You Are What You Eat”, Pastor Temesgen Dabsu reflects on the Gospel of John 6: 22-35 where Jesus declares He is the Bread of Life, and that His presence on earth is God’s gift for our salvation.
Click here for more information about our regular worship services.
We are working to provide a service for online donations. Until we have the online service setup, and if you are looking to donate to Grace Lutheran Church, please contact us.
15 Santa Fe Ave, El Cerrito, CA 94530
Phone: (510) 525-9004
Click here for a Google map with our location.
10A.M. Every Sunday.
We are complying with the State of California’s guidelines on gatherings. Masks are recommended at this time.
If you are unable to attend our in-person worship service, we invite you to watch our worship service Podcasts available here on our website, or through YouTube. The services are published on a regular basis to continue the ministry of God’s love for us through Jesus Christ.